Smagua 2016

Smagua, the reference business meeting for the water and irrigation industries

14 March 2016

Between March 8/11 it has taken place in Zaragoza (Spain) the 22 International Water and Irrigation Exhibition that gathers those professionals and technicians related to the water industry. 

Exhibition Sectors attending:

• Water extraction, piping and storing
• Water processing and treatment
• Point of use
• Instruments, analysis and automation
• Irrigation
• Engineering and service companies
• Research and consultancy
• Other equipment
• Technical press

The biennial Exhibition allows us to get a first-hand look to the latest developments about water supply, storage, treatment and transport. Besides, SMAGUA addresses environmental issues such as waste management, energy efficiency and the protection of water resources. This time SMAGUA has brought together 780 exhibitors from 35 countries.

Within the programme and with special interest on them there are parallel activities such as technical talks as well as commercial presentations as interesting as the one we attended related to compact water treatment equipment due to the possibility of being buried so to helps to minimize visual impact and mitigate unpleasant odours, quite an important issue in any installation mainly in the small ones.

February 2016

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