Humiclima en Santa Lucia

Our new destination: Saint Lucia

28 January 2016

Humiclima has started this new year moving to a new destination, this time we land in Saint Lucia, located south of Martinique in the Caribbean.

Humiclima will perform some of the installations to be carried out in guestrooms (453 rooms spread along 8 buildings) of the Royalton Resort that it is being built in Smugglers Cove after demolishing the existing resort.

This is our fourth project for the Royalton Company in only two years, after Royalton Cancun (Mexico), and two more projects that Humiclima is currently carrying out, both of them in Jamaica, White Sands and Negril.


February 2016

Rafa Nadal Sports Centre in progress Hyatt Ziva/Zilara Cancun opens doors to public Two new hotels in Ivory Coast New destination Saint Lucia Royalton
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