"Humiclima buids on the premise that integrity becomes part of our way of doing"


Here at Humiclima we understand that companies play an important role in society, and therefore we think that it is essential to carry out our work under a premise of integrity before our clients, employees, companies that we work with, and the environment we operate in.

As such, we can offer our clients solutions tailored to their needs, following an assessment of what is strictly necessary. This attitude also has a positive effect on the environment, because creating installations which are too large can lead to unnecessarily high costs, not only for the client, but also for the immediate and surrounding environment.

We also think it is important to perform our activities thinking of the future sustainability of Humiclima, since a leading company in the sector can create a positive impression for the business landscape of Mallorca, which has much to offer within the tourist sector and others.

We are made aware of this last point every day by our employees, who work hard to make sure Humiclima continues to be a leading and innovative company. We have a responsibility towards them to maintain this desire for sustainability, so that the efforts they make each day are rewarded with the job security that allows them to lead their lives in a fulfilling manner. 


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