BMS otherwise known as Building Automation System (BAS) is a software that allows to control and monitor any installation leading to a major performance of the systems tracked.
Apart from mechanical installations such as HVAC, DHW, Water Storage Tanks, Diesel Tanks… Any other system (lighting, panel boards, irrigation, water meters, electric meters…) can also be integrated.
Developing BMS add an extra value to any installation, being able to recognize at any moment from a control panel (or even via smart phone or tablet), temperature at any area, pressure, humidity… or any other parameter, apart from any equipment working, or any breakdown that may occur, programming schedules, on/off…
- Making easier the maintenance of any installation cause any breakdown is immediately traced/ spotted.
- On/ Off can be scheduled without being present at the place. Water/ gas/ electricity can also be remotely checked.
- Historical data can be gathered to create a monitoring report of how installations are working, checking everyday consumptions without vusing meters….
There is not a minimum number of installations to be included within the system. BMS can be designed just to check a machine room or at the contrary be designed to embrace all systems. It depends of the investment done.
Another advantage is that new systems can be added every time, anytime.
Most modern systems allow a web server to access via web browser using computers, smart phones other tablets.