The company


Founded in 1976 in the Balearic Islands (Spain) in response to the demand of the thriving Spanish hotel business at that time, Humiclima is now one of the leading international companies in terms of experience and capacity for designing and implementing all types of installations in hotels. As a result, and thanks to the many projects completed all over the world, Humiclima is today a company capable of carrying out comprehensive projects, and the experience and capacity to implement all sorts of installations all over the world for the tourist, industrial, residential, or public sectors. 


As such we can offer our clients a wide range of services, including advanced air conditioning systems that allow users to save energy, electrical and hydraulic installations equipped with the latest technology, hotel equipment in line with current tourism trends, electrical consumption monitoring systems that can increase energy efficiency, and so on.

We provide all of this with our complete maintenance guarantee, which covers all of the installations once the project has been completed. This is achieved with the help of advanced control tools and computerised monitoring systems, in compliance with the strictest quality standards and with respect for the environment. In fact, all our work is done according to the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards, certified by accredited third-party organisations.

From the birth of the company in 1976, here at Humiclima we have developed a strategy defined by our capacity to respond to the needs and requirements of our clients in their specific locations and situations, however different they may be. To achieve this, we have the best experts and professionals in every activity we are involved in. These people are the company's most prized asset.

Since 2006, Humiclima has been part of the Cobra Group.

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